363 days….

and I was up at the crack of dawn getting organised for the wedding.

H woke up OK … definitely reflux … and he and K were packed off to J’s place for the day.

After I managed to get my hair and makeup done and good clothes on we were off for the morning wedding.

Despite myself, I had a great time….

Pete was there for a start and Dad doesn’t yet drive him completely mad so he was more patient with Dad than I was.

….and then I found Cousin A once we got there.  and since she had left her hubby and kids back at their home  in Africa, she was also dateless and had organised for me to be her “plus 1”.  I ended up sitting next to her for the ceremony and we were at the head table with the happy couple, the bride’s sister and husband, the best man and his wife and 1 yo daughter.

The day was just perfect and I love the way that both cousin S and A are so down-to-earth … no silly carry-on or bridal hysterics about anything.

Just a beautiful couple who are very much in love.

and not only that, they are best friends as well.
My cousin's wedding pt 2 on 365 Project


The speeches were mostly entertaining and the MC brought quite a few of us to tears.

Me especially.

He talked in a voice, choking back tears as he quoted poetry to them:

Choose a mate who will not only walk the earth with you, but also the stars


that one got me.

I can’t wait to walk the stars with you.

I miss you

I love you

to the stars.